Friday, December 11, 2009

Today is my Blogoversary!!!

And I didn't even realize it! LOL! I thank all the people who have visited and commented on this blog. Sharing your thoughts and opinions on different topics I've posted. It is greatly appreciated! I hope you, and others, continue to visit and post comments. I love to interact with you!

There are many things that I want to do regarding my blog presence...I'm learning and growing, soon I will carve out a niche for myself. But of course, this blog is my first and I will always cherish it. Happy Blogoversary to me = )


  1. Congratulations, Beautiful, it's admirable that you've stayed with your blog. I was commenting on my article today how a lot of times people start these blogs and don't stay with them. Patience and persistence is what I say. So keep at it and who knows what can happen.
    Have you checked out my site at all? I'd love for you to add your name as a follower.
    Have a great holiday season!

  2. Thanks Lee!

    I'll check out your site and see what's doin...

    Have a wonderful holiday!
