Friday, April 2, 2010

Blogging from A to Z: Today's letter....B for Bereavement

I wasn't sure what I would post today for the second day of this blogging challenge. I was able to leave work early today, they actually let us leave for Good Friday (this is surprising). Anyway, I was able to get home in time to watch today's episode of Oprah. I don't usually, but today Janet Jackson was a guest on the show and I was curious about what she had to say regarding the new movie she's in, "Why Did I Get Married Too?", so I tuned in. As always, she was cute as a button and looked well. However, once the interview began, it was uncomfortable to watch. Why? Much of the interview focused on the death of her brother, Michael Jackson. If you've read my blog, then you know I'm a fan and when the media broke the news of his death, it hurt me, it was a visceral pain. And I didn't even know the man! So, as I was watching this episode of Oprah and saw the clips and pictures of MJ, I couldn't help but think of how difficult this had to be for Janet, his sister, one who grew up with, and truly loved, Michael. I can't watch the clips, or look at pictures, of MJ without feeling sadness or loss, so it doesn't surprise me at all that his sister doesn't want to see "This Is It" or look at clips and pictures of her brother. It shouldn't surprise anyone else either; I found myself giving Oprah the "side eye" because she seemed surprised by this reaction from Janet. Janet seems like such a private person, so being asked all these questions about MJ and where she was, how she felt, blah, blah, blah.

All that to say this: what is the deal with not allowing celebrities the privacy to deal with their bereavement, their grief, out of the view of the public? I think of the way I felt when my grandfather passed away several years ago and I think of the way I would feel if someone was in my face constantly asking me personal questions, gauging my reaction, my pain, and passing it around for the consumption of people I don't even know. A person's bereavement is personal and should be respected as such. You couldn't pay me enough money to be a celebrity and have to deal with this type of thing in the public eye. Everything isn't for everyone to see or know. Would you be able to handle such scrutiny?


  1. I don't know if you had read my review a few weeks back of THIS IS IT, but that movie really brought it home to me about Michael Jackson the talent and not the freak that the media turned him in to. I think the world caught only a glimpse of what might have been one of the greatest concert tours all all time.

    I really liked Janet in WHY DID I GET MARRIED. I think Tyler Perry is an immensely talented individual, and more than that the man has a decent, worthwhile message that is so much more substantive than so much more than what's usually out there. His popularity is proof that he is creating work with a message that a lot of people would prefer to hear.

  2. Lee,

    I'll have to check out that review! I haven't watched 'This Is It' yet; I probably will eventually. I would have loved to see Michael perform because I know it would have been amazing!

    I plan on going to see WDIGM2 next weekend; I enjoyed the first one and I'm very interested in seeing this one. My mom and sister went to see it last night and they said it was a great movie. My mom said she got misty at one point during Janet's performance; she said that that moment had to be the point that Michael passed away. That said, I usually enjoy the message that Tyler Perry has in his films so I don't mind showing my support.

