I was listening to the Michael Baisden radio show this afternoon (very thankful that I can get this online, because my sucky town doesn't carry the show). Anyway, one part of the show was dedicated to the discussion of teens and sexuality. Baisden started off by talking to a pastor about a comment made by the current Pope, who says that condoms promote HIV/AIDS and promiscuity. Huh? Yeah, I know...WTF, right? Well, Michael totally disagrees with that statement, as most should, because condoms AND sex education are so important to stopping the spread of disease.
Well, as the show continued, Baisden asked that parents call in and talk about their hot-in-the-pants kids, lol; he specifically wanted to know whether or not any parents have walked into their homes and caught their child in the "act". One caller in particular caught my attention because of his feelings about finding his son with a young girl in his room getting it in. According to him, the girl was a skank because she didn't have enough respect for herself OR his home OR the fact that he and his wife were asleep in their room at the time. Okay, so he may have a point; I mean, it is pretty trashy on the girl's part to be in doing the do with her boyfriend with his parents down the hall. However, the father placed all the blame and shame on the girl. Baisden asked the father what he said to his son and George Wilborn asked him if he thought his son was skanky or a ho. The father said that his son is definietly a ho, but here's the thing...he said it with a sense of pride in the fact that his son has really "done some thangs"!
Anyone thinking what I'm thinking? Can we say "DOUBLE STANDARD"? That girl didn't break into the house and throw his son down and just take the d*#@.... she had to have been invited into the home, into the bedroom. Therefore the boy deserves just as much of the blame and shame as the girl. Both of them should have had respect for themselves, the parents, and the home. Respect for self being the biggest part of the equation. They were saying that kids, who haven't even graduate from high school yet, are having as many as 20+ sex partners! How insane is that! Looking for love and affection, trying to find comfort in all the wrong places. We have to educate the children because the reality is that sex is a natural act and it happens. So why not give them the information they need to make informed choices?
Just food for thought....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A short rant....
People, in case you don't know...walking up to people and touching their hair is rude. I'm at work, sitting at my desk, laughing at something and one of the managers comes into the office to give something to her assistant. Before exiting the office, she walks over, starts touching my hair and says "I just have to touch your hair! It looks so soft!" I laughed and asked "Do ya?" I'm like, do you really HAVE to touch my hair? "Can I touch your hair?" would have been the better way to approach me...I just don't understand it! Unless you are my man, you need to ask me permission before playing around in my hair. What is this impulse some people have to just go up to people and lay hands on their hair! This must stop...it's rude and if you have that habit, then out of simple respect for another person's personal space, just ask first.
Rant over...leave a comment or continue with your day : )
Rant over...leave a comment or continue with your day : )
Methodical News,
Methodical Rants,
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What a world...what a world...
People we are in the last days indeed. How can you not believe that something deep and serious is going on. Look at the news, today and every other day! Just got done reading an article about a 23 year old young man who stabbed his 17 year old sister with a knife, decapitated his 5 year old sister, and tried to kill his 9 year old sister but was shot by the police before he could. When I read this story all I could do was call out to Jesus because there were just no other words.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Okay...really? Come on people....
How strange is this...click here
If this video game were actually for sale, would you purchase it? If this were a best-selling game, what would that say about our society?
Okay, here's my issue at the moment...for some reason, I woke up with this on my mind and felt the need to blog about it. Yesterday, I went to AOL Black Voices and there was a blog post by someone. The post is titled "Disney's First Black Princess...Has a Prince Who's Not Black." I thought okay...so what? It's a cartoon, right? I went through some of the comments left after reading the article and man, some folks are totally outdone by the fact that a black female (Princess Tiana) and a non-black male (Prince Naveen) fall in love. Now, superficially, I look at this and think "So what...it's a cartoon..." But when I look deeper...I still say SO WHAT?! Interracial relationships are a reality, so why is it a big deal that it is reflected in a Disney movie? How many movies and TV shows are out there that show a black man involved with a non-black female? Plenty! So why the fuss?
I was watching a show on TV One this past weekend, and the hosts were talking about celebrities and there troubles with the law. One story really upset me...it was the one about Mike Tyson and Desiree Washington. Long story short, she accused him of rape and he was convicted. My anger isn't so much with the two of them, but at the reaction of the public, my people especially. Apparently my people were divided, some blamed Mike and many more blamed Desiree. Once again, more people blamed the victim. Granted, I wouldn't have went into the man's hotel room that late at night, but she did. This doesn't mean that she deserved what happened to her. What is even more upsetting to me is the fact that, according to the story, Desiree's life was ruined. This woman had to get plastic surgery, change her name, and basically uproot her life! Why?! While folks, black men and women, were in total support of Mike Tyson, who was supporting Desiree? Al Sharpton was in Mike's corner, but what big name person was in Desiree's corner? If people still think she lied, what did she gain from it? She's not rich....she's not some popular celebrity...so why continue the supposed lie? Could it be that she didn't lie? Seems like the obvious answer to me, but you may ask what does this have to do with a Disney movie? What's the connection? The common thread between the two is this...black women are to uplift, support our men, but we shouldn't expect the same in return.
Disney, for the first time after decades of movies, finally has an African American princess! Why can't that be celebrated? Why can't that be seen as progressive? Why is it that if the black woman, alone, moves upward, it can't be celebrated unless the black man is moving right along with her. Now, if a brotha finds success it is celebrated no matter what...and it is celebrated by the entire community. If Disney made a movie with a black prince and a non-black princess, would there be much complaining? Now...I'm not saying that a relationship with a non-black person equals success for a black person; that's not the case at all. What I am saying is that there is a double standard. For the moment, I'm done with my little rant : ) If you want to read the article that caused me to post this click here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Jimmy Hat Trick
LOL...I simply found this to be interesting...kinda makes no glove no love more interesting : )
Click here
Jimmy Hat Trick
Click here
Jimmy Hat Trick
Check out the baddest judge in America!!! LOL!!!
One question though...why did they take the cuffs off of that SOB? I'm with Cafferty on this...
Grannies Gone Wild!!!! LOL!!!
The world is in a terrible place...I mean, really....grannies fighting over a man? Punching and shooting at each other over a man? It's bad enough when woman my age and younger are doing that mess! Everyone tell there grandparents that they need not do this : )
Check out the video below and go here to read the article...
Check out the video below and go here to read the article...
Watch out for Chompers!!!!
The operator taking this call has to be one of the stupidest operators out there. The man said that his wife handcuffed herself to him and this fool asks if he can get away? No fool! He is handcuffed to her! Where is she (the wife) now? The man just said that she is handcuffed to him! Can you lock yourself in another room? No dummy! The wife is handcuffed to him! Are there any weapons in the house? Yeah fool! Her teeth!
Check this out...
Check this out...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This chick, ChescaLeigh, is too funny in her Halloween costume and you can't tell me that she didn't pull this off...please view and ENJOY!!!
Is that the end....NO!
Remember back in the 80s and 90s, music made you feel good? Well, here's one of my favorite videos (all-time fave) and it should be no surprise that it's a Janet Jackson video...I mean really, who doesn't have a fave video or song from Janet or Michael? If you do...no offense...you need to get yourself checked out 'cause something is wrong with you : ) Anyway, enjoy...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What are you doing May 21, 2009?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Could someone explain this to me?
I just finished reading an article on MSNBC concerning immigrant detention centers. There are people (yes, they are still people...) being held there for years, even if they want to be sent back to their home countries. People who were brought here by their parents, kids mind you, are being held. Why? Perhaps it is because they are criminals, delinquents? Nope, there are many people being detained who have no criminal records. Hmmmm...maybe it's simply cheaper to keep them in the center? Naw...according to the article, it costs $141 per night per detainee. So what is it? Waht is the point of keeping immigrants locked up? If they want to go home, let go home; if they want to stay, then they should go through the proper channels to gain legal status. Does anyone understand why this is not the way the immigrant situation is handled? Explain it to me...like I'm a 4 year old...
Click here to read article...
Friday, March 13, 2009
A case of extreme selfishness?
There are some governors out there that plan to reject some of the stimulus money designated for their states; Rick Perry (of TX), Bobby Jindal (of LA), and Haley Barbour (of MS) are among those governors. The governor of South Carolina has plans to reject a large portion of the stimulus money that would be coming to the state, more than $700 million, according to the AP. The governor sees our nation's situation as a hole that we need to dig ourselves out of. That part makes some sense; what doesn't make sense is his rejection of the money that could be extremely helpful to the state of South Carolina. The moeny he wants to reject would go to education and unemployment benefits, something that would be beneficial to the large population of unemployed SC citizens. If he does reject this money, what does he hope to accomplish? The money would go elsewhere, right? So the "hole" he refers to would still exist AND he will have pissed of many citizens, voters. I don't see this as a smart move for him. Perhaps he will win some allies in strong consesrvatives, but he will lose the support of the people...the same people from whom I'm sure he wants votes if he runs for President in 2012. Perhaps this is something for him to think about?
*Shrugs* I could be wrong...
These dreams...
You know what? I have some of the strangest dreams! They're rarely disturbing (sometimes they wake me up terrified), sometimes they just run their course, and other times I wake before the ending. Most times my dreams are movie-like...I'm not necessarily apart of the dream, I'm in the background watching things unfold. Those dreams usually feel more like home to me; in my daily life that is what I do...I chill in the background and observe people and things. Anyway, I woke this morning after having one of those dream. I need to start keeping a dream journal or something, because once I woke up and started getting ready for work, I forgot much of what happened in the dream. The only thing I can remember is a man was sinking into some kind of substance...can't remember if it was water or concrete? I think I woke up just as he was pulled out of whatever he was sinking into. In my dream, the guy was an actor I had seen in something before, but I don't know why he was in my dream. He wasn't in anything I watched last night, so I don't know what the deal is with that. I need to get some kind of dream book, something that helps me understand why I dream what I dream. Ah well...anyone with some knowledge on the subject of dreams, feel free to make suggestions...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The New Itty Bitty, Teeny Weeny Ipod...Wow...
I was surfing the Net (do people still say that? Oh well...) and I saw an article talking about this new IPod Shuffle! The announcement was made on the Apple website today and all I can say it Wow! This thing is really small (yeah, I know how that sounds (smirk) but in this case, it may not be a terrible thing, lol). Apparently, this new device is smaller than the last Shuffle but has 4GB of space on it (which equals about 1,000 songs). And the thing talks to you?! It tells you what song you're listening to, the artist, and what playlist you're on. Oh and did I mention this thing is only $79! Might be worth the investment...Check it out at the online Apple Store...
This is what happens in an apathetic world...
What would you do if you saw someone, especially an elderly woman, caught in an escalator? Would you stop to help? Well, in Boston, some where put to the test and the results were heartbreaking. The Boston Globe has an article on the tragedy (to view, click here). Below is an account of what happened, given by Larry Fitzpatrick, Sr., one of the few people to aid the woman. How anyone could see this happening and not stop to help, is beyond my understanding. I don't care if you will be late to your destination, this was someone's life at risk.
I wouldn't be right for a long time if I were in this man's position. God bless him for trying to do the right thing.
I wouldn't be right for a long time if I were in this man's position. God bless him for trying to do the right thing.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Is anyone else tired of....
Lil' Wayne and T-Pain...I mean, really, do they have to be on everyone's song? There are other artists out there...great ones, in fact!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Spring is my favorite season!!!
Why? Because it's a time for bright colors and sunshine!!! Just saw some new nail colors for this season from Sephora by O.P.I. Check 'em out...
Top row (colors from left to right):Access 24/7, Lost Without My GPS, IM Beauty, Hi Def
Bottom row (left to right): Techno Girl and I'm Wired
My faves are Lost Without My GPS and Hi Def! They just look so Spring-like, lol...
Top row (colors from left to right):Access 24/7, Lost Without My GPS, IM Beauty, Hi Def
Bottom row (left to right): Techno Girl and I'm Wired
My faves are Lost Without My GPS and Hi Def! They just look so Spring-like, lol...
Methodical Product Junkie,
Looking for a job? Got a Twitter Account? Try this...
While reading an article on CNN.com, TweetMyJobs was mentioned. I had never heard of this! Employers are beginning to use different networking websites to post jobs, and this is one of them. If you have a Twitter account, you can go to this website and sign my for an account using your Twitter screen name. The two accounts are connected and then you can receive tweets that direct you to open job positions around the country. If you are currently looking for a job, check out TweetMyJobs by clicking here. Happy Job Hunting!!!
Morris Chestnut Alert!!!!
I am a such a fan of Morris Chestnut....from Boyz N The Hood to Out All Night to The Best Man and so on. According to the Hollywood Reporter (click here), Mr. Chestnut will be starring in an ABC drama called "V", a remake of a 1980s miniseries. When I first heard about the remake, I was not interested at all...however, by casting this fine man, I will be tuning in to the show weekly, lol!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Richard Simmons Puts A Ring On It
This was HILARIOUS!!! I don't care what you may think, but Richard Simmons is involved in some funny moments...this being one! All the single ladies, all the single ladies....LOL!!!
Forgot how much I loved this song...
ATL was coming on while I was at home during my lunch break and this was playing at the start of the movie...I figured I put this on my blog....
Doing my part to shine light on injustice...
While checking out blogs and news sites, I found this news story about a 15 year old girl being beaten by a Seattle police officer. The girl was in a holding cell and when she kicked her shoe off at the officer, he goes off and attacks her. In the video posted below, it's reported that the girl called the officer names. This GROWN MAN could not handle the name calling and ATTACKS her. I don't care what she allegedly said, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE!!!! She could have called his mama a stank ho and it would not being reason enough for him to ATTACK her! We have to stay informed about these crimes...if we can get up in arms about the NY Post and that racist cartoon they published last week, then we should definitely do the same for crimes like this! Check out the You Tube clip below...also read this article for more information on the story (click here).
Methodical News,
Paul Schene,
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